Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Role of social networks in the development of knowledge

Social Networking or Social Networking is a concept that can be utilized in the development of education. Social networking is applied in the form of social networking sites. Besides useful to establish Silaturrahim also useful to support in improving the effectiveness of learning. Form of social networking can be developed by forming a community of learning and discussion groups according to interests and areas of the people involved.

Social networking sites or other terms of social networking sites continue to develop. We can use social networking sites like Facebook (http://www.facebook.com), My Space (http://www. Myspace.com), Friendster (http://friendster.com), Library Thing (http: / / www. librarything.com). these sites can be used not only to interact with friends, but more than that can be used as a study group discussions, assignments, or sharing the latest information.

Forms of learning that can be exploited using these social networking sites such as:

Forms of learning that can be exploited using these social networking sites such as:
  •      Made with a group that addresses one area such as information systems.
  •      Creating a group in general limits or only a limited area, school or just limited to certain subjects
  •      Creating a small group of a dozen people who only accept members upon approval.
  •      Sends a message to all members and asked for a response.


That there is potential profiles on these social networks can enhance the learning process digitally. In addition to positive potentials, there is also a danger to privacy or private area for individual users to publish their profiles publicly. To anticipate able to adjust the setting and consider which ones should be displayed to the public and where the only personal.

2. Function Collaborative Authoring Platform

 2.1 For User AuthorizationUser Authorization is related to the directory entry password and valid email address. This limits access by anyone outside the network and allows for a contact in the group.

2.2 For User Authorization
Collaborative work requires a way to edit and share files. With documents, upload documents and share control to do authoring.Otorisasi document is divided into three levels:

A. Member Level

Each member has its own storage.

B. cluster Level

Cluster Shared Folder Management, where members of the cluster dapatbberbagi their documents and make it visible for members clusterlainnya.

C. Network Level

System provides the ability for network members to share knowledge to maintain a shared network directory. This directory can diaksesoleh all network members.

2.3 As a Memory of the CoP for Documentation

All documents (data, information and knowledge) associated with the cycle of knowledge and can be archived. The documents include the data collected, the individual studies, group reports, proposals and research reports to help members share their knowledge and collaboration.

2.4 As a Platform for Threaded Discussion

Common space for members to discuss issues concerning joint research activities, this will promote the exchange and sharing of knowledge, understanding, models and insights from an individual prosesdiskusi.

2.5 As a Means of Communication through Quick Messaging and Emails

Users can send messages or e-mail to all group members with ease using a customized address book.

2.6 As a Tool for Time Management

A calendar function is established for the user to set time schedule.

2.7 As a Tool for Online Discussions through Chat Rooms

Members can use the chat room to discuss different issues related to online activities with them.

2.8 Coordination

Login log records the activities of the activities. Document manager, profile management, and managers are included in cluster coordination component.

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